Procedures for sending relatives' ashes from Netherlands to Vietnam
5 augustus 2024
Vraag nummer: 68785
Dear Sir,
I want to ask about the service: Procedures for sending relatives' ashes from Netherlands to Vietnam.
My aunt was born and raised in Vietnam. My aunt lived and worked and became a Dutch citizen. My aunt passed away and her funeral and cremation in the Netherlands. She was single and had no any child. Her ashes are in her friend's house in Netherlands. I want to bring my aunt's ashes back to Vietnam. However, I live in Viet Nam now. Therefore, I need a service help me.
What are the costs, procedures, and issues related to this?
Thanks a lot,
Dear Sir,
I can tell you that sending ashes to Vietnam is very simple. There are no procedures and legal regulations. Your aunt's friend who holds the ashes can just send the ashes to Vietnam as an ordinary mail package. Registered shipment is recommended.
Another wise thing to do is to ask the crematorium where your aunt was cremated for a cremation certificate. They provide these free of charge, also in the English language. The cremation certificate can be sent with the mail package, so that customs and postal authorities can read what is in the package.
The costs are just the shipping costs of the postal or parcel company. There are no charges from the government.
Best regards,
mr W.G.H.M. van der Putten
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